Friday, January 2, 2009

So this time it's about me!

So I normally blog about my family with cute pictures, but not this time. This time I need to talk about me. This pregnancy has been so hard. I can't say that I remember my first pregnancy that well but I do think this one is different...and harder. I was horribly sick for the first couple months, then that subsided but the occasional nausea has stuck around. Every few days I wake up sick for an hour and then it goes away. YUCK! My back is like that of an 80 yr old. I have been to the chiropractor countless times and it is still not better. My body is weak. YUCK!! My emotions are crazy. I cry at random times, I am moody, tired, without patience for my 2 year old, and I move as slow as a turtle. And the cherry on the top is that I am just now 6 months which means I have 16 weeks left to go. YUCK!!!! I am super thankful to be carrying this sweet boy and ecstatic to hold him for the first time. I just have to get there. I am wading through the yuckiness of pregnancy and praying to make it without permanent damage to my husband and child. Please tell me this is normal!!